Case studies

Browse a selection of projects from GeSI member companies that illustrate the potential impact of digital solutions on the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Deutsche Telekom AG

Dynamic Workplace

Project description

Dynamic Workplace is a user-friendly IT workplace allowing access to virtually any application through a simple web browser, compatible with any type of device (e.g. desktop pc, notebook, tablet, smartphone). It is delivered in a secure fashion from the T-Systems private cloud.

Impact description

Dynamic Workplace offers benefits for employees and B2B clients. For employees, this includes reduced commuting time and cost savings of €271/year, as well as an additional 56 hours freed up for more productive and enjoyable use. For B2B clients, a cost savings of €15 million and a CO2 emissions reduction of 16,000 tons of CO2 emissions can be achieved per year for a company with 35,000 employees.

Goals addressed

Target countries






Verizon Smart Cities and Communities

Project description

Using innovative Internet of Things and machine-to-machine communication solutions, city executives can help improve efficiency and revolutionize cities to create a better quality of life for both work and play.

Impact description

Verizon’s partner, IPS Group, is a leader in smart parking meters in cities across the U.S. In 2017, enabled by Verizon connectivity, IPS’ meters reduced the number of miles driven to find available parking, avoiding 34,192 metric tons of CO2e emissions. Verizon’s smart building management solutions enabled our customers to save 2,698 metric tons of CO2e emissions in 2017.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Nokia FastMile: Connecting the unconnected

Project description

Nokia FastMile is designed to overcome missing broadband connectivity by bringing much needed high-speed broadband to the citizens of unconnected areas.

Impact description

According to the latest International Telecom Union ICT Facts and Figures, 20% of households in developed countries and as much as 66% of households in developing countries do not have internet access, leaving more than 4 billion people from developing countries offline. Nokia FastMile delivers good quality broadband faster and it’s also cheaper than fixed solutions in areas where copper or optical connectivity is not available.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Smart Irrigation for Rice Farming

Project description

AT&T’s Internet of Things (IoT) solutions connect water-level sensors and pumps to help increase the control rice farmers have over their operations, and to overcome some of the barriers to Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) adoption. This helps to drive efficiencies, save water, and reduce carbon emissions. 
The solution can:
• Help overcome barriers to AWD adoption and create higher use among farmers, resulting in measurable methane reductions and water and fertilizer savings;
• Become an important input for measurement and verification of carbon savings, which could help propel the nascent rice carbon offset market.

Impact description

Rice is a resource intensive crop:
• 2.5 million acres of land in US;
• 40% of global irrigation water;
• 1.5% of global GHG emissions.

For one farmer, connected water-level sensors have reduced water usage by up to 60%, while the connected controls have reduced pump energy usage by 20-30%. 
Potential Environmental Benefits of AWD:
• Annual Water savings: 80,000 US gallons per acre;
• Annual GHG savings: 0.28 metric tons CO2e per acre.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Verizon Innovative Learning

Project description

Verizon Innovative Learning delivers free technology, free internet access, and innovative hands-on learning programs to under-resourced schools and students across the United States. By 2023, Verizon will invest up to $400 million to help provide middle-school students with the skills required to put them on the path to success in an increasingly tech-dependent job market.

Impact description

Verizon has reached over a million students since 2012 through Verizon Innovative Learning (VIL). In 2017, almost 128,000 students participated in the initiative. In the in-school program, 75% of participating teachers said that VIL enhanced student engagement, 62% said using tablets made their instruction more effective, and 63% said VIL helped them reach goals they already set for their classroom and for their teaching. In the boys and girls summer immersive programs, 76% of girls said they learned problem-solving skills and 85% were more aware of the variety of STEM careers; 90% of boys demonstrated an increased ability in science and 91% demonstrated an increased ability in math.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States

Telenor Group

Telenor’s mobile birth registration in Pakistan

Project description

Telenor Group has a global partnership with UNICEF focusing on promoting child rights by leveraging the power of mobile and connectivity. In 2014, Telenor Pakistan, UNICEF and local authorities initiated a pilot project in the provinces of Sindh and Punjab to augment birth registration rates using cellular technology.

Impact description

A recent baseline comparison of the pilot areas has shown an increase in registration rates from under 30 per cent via conventional registration during the same period in 2014, to above 90 per cent during the pilot phase.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

“ECO-drive” helps drivers to reduce fuel consumption and related carbon emissions

Project description

The ECO-drive solution is based on an app developed by T-Systems, which can be run with a simple smartphone or tablet under IOS or Android. It works as follows: an OEM-neutral, mobile device transfers the position data of a car, a truck or any other means of transportation in real time to a central server. The central platform analyzes the data, enriches them and calculates parameters as vehicle pay load, carbon emissions, fuel consumption, position, altitude, incline and downhill grade. The data are transferred in easy behavioral signals (traffic light function) that help the drivers to reduce fuel consumption and related carbon emissions. Each single drive is visualized based on Google Maps.

Impact description

The fuel and carbon emission reductions of 4-15% have been realized in field trials. The average savings was 9%. The full use potential of this solution is around 1% of the global emissions.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Deutsche Telekom AG

Sea Hero Quest App

Project description

Sea Hero Quest is a free game App from T-Systems (in cooperation with Charité Berlin, University College London, University of East Anglia, NGO Alzheimer`s Research, and the game developer, Glitchers) capturing anonymous navigation data of users for dementia medical research. Since one of the first symptoms of dementia is loss of navigational skill, this is an important indicator. However currently there is no “normal” benchmark of navigational skill, a benchmark which will be set through the crowd sourced data of the app.

Impact description

If 100,000 players play the app only for several minutes, this equals 50 years of experimental medical research for Alzheimer’s. This research hopefully sheds light into causes and treatments for Alzheimer’s and dementia. This can lead to better well-being and health, as well as costs saved in the health care system (such as the possibility to prevent dementia).

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Smart Vineyards (E-Agriculture) in Macedonia

Project description

The SmartWine Project was created by the Telecommunications Institute within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies at the “Ss. Cyril and Methodius “ University – Skopje. It represents an intelligent end-to-end system for remote vineyards and wine cellars monitoring using a distributed sensor network.It fosters automation and modernization in the agriculture area following every phase of the wine production process.

Impact description

SmartWine automates the grape production process and helps to save up on energy, water and chemicals. Besides this, the system provides information on plant disease, weather problems and optimal harvesting dates.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Integrated SCM-solution for electronic warehouse logistics

Project description

T-Systems has developed a one-stop integrated supply chain management solution for electronic warehouse logistics. The solution has been implemented at the Brau Union brewery in Austria. The solution ensures the intelligent warehouse based on efficient, eco-friendly supply chain management.

Impact description

The end-to-end solution from T-Systems has completely replaced the former paper-based system. It helps Brau Union to produce greater quantities and also to efficiently organize the storage of a much wider range of products. At the same time, it contributes to the fulfillment of environmental objectives, such as a 15-percent reduction in CO2 emissions due to lower forklift mileage and 20 percent fewer empty runs.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Mobile money

Project description

Huawei’s Mobile Money solution is able to provide innovative, asset-light, and reliable mobile banking services to people who need it most. It utilizes existing communication network capabilities and these services are transacted seamlessly using feature or smartphones.

Impact description

Globally, two billion, mostly poor adults, do not have bank accounts and 200 million small businesses in emerging economies lack access to formal savings and credit. Their financial transactions are in cash and they have no safe way to save and invest their money. Instead they rely on informal lenders and personal networks for credit. In other words they have no access to safe, secure and affordable financial services. However, 1.6 billion of these people do have mobile phones. Mobile technology can provide access to savings accounts, credit, and loans, which can strengthen emerging middle-class populations and stimulate further economic growth. Mobile money is one of the most exciting innovations to address financial inclusion because it can operate at enormous scale. According to the GSMA, there are more than 690 million registered mobile money accounts and they transact around a billion dollars a day. To give an indication of the “digital disruption” underway, approximately 70% of these accounts are provided by mobile operators rather than traditional banks. The Mobile Money solution has so far been commercially deployed in 19 countries and serves over 152 million users, accounting for 22% of the world’s registered accounts. Approximately 50% of all mobile money transactions now take place on Huawei’s platform; project partners include Safaricom, Vodafone, Vodacom and Teasy Mobile in ten African countries, including big markets like Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. In 2017, the service expanded and joined forces with Xpress Money, one of the world’s most dependable money transfer brands. The new partnership will help to further reduce the cost of remittance services and drive financial inclusion for millions of more mobile money users.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Türk Telekom

Cost-Effective Direct Free Cooling Solution

Project description

Although direct free cooling is commonly used for reducing cooling costs at Telecom Shelters, Türk Telekom developed a special solution with its partners in order to use direct free cooling at fixed network system rooms located in various kinds of reinforced concrete buildings. The ROI for this solution is less than 1,5 year.

Impact description

Türk Telekom has installed 182 Remotely Monitored Direct Free Cooling Solutions at fixed network system rooms, which results in approximately 2,8 Million kWh reduction of electricity consumption per year. Most of these sites have smart metering system with daily recording of the electricity consumption trends and IT loads. Türk Telekom is planning to achieve 10 million kWh electricity saving per year with this solution within the next two years.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

The public sector multi-functional PC assists police

Project description

Deutsche Telekom is supporting the police in a new framework for police work. A public sector multi-functional PC has been developed, which transforms the police car into a police station. The German Police force aims at cutting the administrative efforts by 25%, and this solution enables greater resource efficiency.

Impact description

The benefits of the multi-functional PC for police include faster arrival at the scene and quicker responses, streamlined coordination and operation, enhanced, more secure vehicle-based communications, direct access to information while on the scene, and a higher police presence throughout the region for greater safety. Studies in the UK have shown that the solution is able to reduce the time per case significantly – up to 30 minutes per case.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

MICC: Mobile Information & Communication Center brings the city hall to the citizens

Project description

The Mobile Service Center idea was developed by Kiru and supported by technology from T-Systems. The ICT solution provided is a Mobile Information & Communication Center is the size of a suitcase and is equipped with direct access to government services & processes. The solution is linked with secured connectivity and data transfer to the data center allowing services to be taken care of that would have otherwise been cleared at the city hall.

Impact description

Tight budgets are leading to the closure of smaller service centers in rural areas. This ICT solution puts local government services on the road. Citizens in rural areas can just visit a local school or care home or drop by a van to take advantage of services without traveling to the next town. This means that the city can do without service center premises and still provide services where the citizens need them. People do not need to spend time travelling to the city and hence save CO2 emissions.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Health Kiosk provides personalized advice through video conferencing

Project description

“Health Kiosk” is a decentralized, partially automated cloud-based medical care system in which patients receive personalized advice anytime, anywhere through video conferencing with doctors, ICT-supported examinations, integration of mobile devices and ePayment systems. This e-Health solution materializes the benefits of digitization for patients and health care personnel and is an answer to the challenges posed by rising costs of health care systems and shortage of doctors.

Impact description

By 2030, there will be a shortage of 111,000 doctors in Germany, mainly in rural areas. “Health kiosk” counterbalances this trend by providing better access for patients living in rural areas, increasing the overall health of rural population; doctors are allocated in the best possible way in rural areas; and overall cost savings and efficiency increases in the health system. Furthermore, the solution leads to decreasing CO2 emissions because travelling to the far-away doctor is not needed for every consultation.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

“The cow that texts the farmer”

Project description

“The cow that texts the farmer” (cost-effective breeding) is an e-Agriculture solution, which tackles the challenges of food safety and efficient food production arising through rising global population. It is a machine-to-machine communication solution, which sends SMS text messages to the farmer’s cell phone in case of cows are in heat or about to calve – so the farmer is informed and always arrives at the scene on time. Sensors can track behavior of hundreds of animals and therefore ensure that birth takes place under best possible conditions.

Impact description

The solution helps achieve greater herd productivity through time and cost savings: more live births, fewer complications post-calving, faster insemination, hence less stress for cows.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Telematic One enables effective coordination at one of Europe’s busiest ports

Project description

TelematicOne integrates intelligent telematics systems from various companies, e.g. vehicle and trailer manufacturers. The system serves as central hub for all relevant real-time information. It has been implemented at the port of Hamburg, which is one of the busiest ports in Europe. Quick and seamless container transloading is very important for the port to handle the 40,000 containers that arrive daily. The solution from T-Systems makes this possible.

Impact description

In practice, only 30% of the time that vehicles spend in ports is used effectively. This share can be increased with the TelematicOne technology. The benefits include more effective management of growing quantities of goods, better use of limited space, fewer traffic jams and a reduction of CO2 emissions.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

“ECO-drive” helps drivers to reduce fuel consumption and related carbon emissions

Project description

The ECO-drive solution is based on an app developed by T-Systems, which can be run with a simple smartphone or tablet under IOS or Android. It works as follows: an OEM-neutral, mobile device transfers the position data of a car, a truck or any other means of transportation in real time to a central server. The central platform analyzes the data, enriches them and calculates parameters as vehicle pay load, carbon emissions, fuel consumption, position, altitude, incline and downhill grade. The data are transferred in easy behavioral signals (traffic light function) that help the drivers to reduce fuel consumption and related carbon emissions. Each single drive is visualized based on Google Maps.

Impact description

The fuel and carbon emission reductions of 4-15% have been realized in field trials. The average savings was 9%. The full use potential of this solution is around 1% of the global emissions.

Goals addressed

Target countries




Remote healthcare

Project description

Verizon’s mobile, machine-to-machine and Internet of Things technologies give organizations new healthcare IT capabilities – to reach patients and customers in new ways, reliably connect teams and people, and speed delivery of products and services.

Impact description

Verizon-enabled remote patient monitoring saved 121,215 metric tons of CO2e emissions in 2017.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Networkfleet by Verizon Telematics Enables Efficient and Effective Fleet Management

Project description

Verizon Networkfleet gives fleet managers GPS and engine-performance information on each of their cars and trucks, helping them plan more efficient routes, improve maintenance and foresee mechanical breakdowns – saving time, mileage, and fuel.

Impact description

Networkfleet has tracked 23 billion miles driven, collects 384 million data points daily, and has sent 34 million diagnostic alerts. The Arkansas State Highway Transportation Department equipped 2,500 of their vehicles with Networkfleet, and saved nearly $500,000 in fuel expenses the first year. Dispatchers were soon directing vehicles to emergency situations faster, and by providing precise GPS locations, Networkfleet made it easier for police to recover stolen vehicles.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Digital Owl – Saving our species with drones and AI

Project description

The digital owl uses artificial intelligence and high performance computing to analyse images captured via drones for the successful detection of endangered species. In partnership with the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage Save our Species programme, Fujitsu has developed this solution to enable biodiversity protection outcomes.

Impact description

In Australia there are approximately 1,700 plant and animal species under threat of extinction. Saving these species is crucial to the ongoing health of the various ecosystems. However, monitoring such a broad area can be prohibitively expensive, especially when considering the cost of chartering and fueling helicopters. Images captured via drone flight were analysed with artificial intelligence, detecting the 2 target species in the Goulburn River National Park in NSW, Australia. This data can be used to more effectively manage these endangered species, found nowhere else on Earth. Digital Owl assists conservation authorities to generate better informed species management plans for a lower upfront investment. This enables conservation budgets to be spread over a higher number of threatened species.

Goals addressed

Target countries


New Zealand


Verizon Innovative Learning Schools

Project description

In partnership with the nonprofit, Digital Promise, Verizon provides tablets with two-year data plans to every student and teacher within a designated Verizon Innovative Learning School. In addition, specialized training is implemented to enable meaningful learning opportunities in and out of school that leverage mobile technology to prepare students for college and STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) careers. The program targets low-income schools where students are unlikely to have consistent internet access at home.

Impact description

In the 2016-2017 school year, this program will reach more than 46 schools in the United States. Participating teachers reported that 37% of their students are better at problem-solving as a result of the program, while students reached by the program are more interested in high-demand STEM jobs than students at comparison schools.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Connected Pallets

Project description

A connected pallet unlocks the benefits of reusable pallets by empowering users to maintain oversight of inventory to prevent loss and by obtaining new data from segments of the supply chain that were previously invisible. This connectivity changes the economics of reusable pallets, enabling more widespread adoption which, in turn, generates significant financial and environmental benefits. Reusable, connected pallets allow users to reduce fuel consumption (composite pallets are typically lighter and have a lower profile than wooden pallets), decrease wood waste from broken pallets, and decrease the amount of raw materials required to produce replacement pallets by reducing the average number of pallets that are lost or broken in each trip. With connectivity, users can track pallets in the supply chain as they move from one location to another, dramatically reducing the risk of loss, and the costs and time associated with locating or replacing missing pallets. Meanwhile, supply chain operators benefit from new information about how pallets and inventory move through multiple, interrelated supply chains.

Impact description

A connected, reusable pallet can be used 162 times before it reaches end of life, resulting in a per trip cost up to 20% lower than non-reusable alternatives. Widespread adoption of connected reusable pallets – particularly by large retailers and logistics providers that interact with thousands of pallets a day – could meaningfully reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts while increasing resource efficiency and lowering lifecycle costs. If a company managing one million wooden pallet trips per year were to fully implement connected pallets, that company could reduce emissions by 640 metric tons of CO2e every year.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States

Taiwan Mobile

Home Security

Project description

Taiwan Mobile is the first Multiple System Operator (MSO) to provide complete household and store surveillance service in Taiwan. Taiwan Mobile Home Security transfers data through broadband network for clients to remotely verify their home security with high-quality video images at any time, with the emergency alarm system with hotkey dial up. Home Security provides the service to about 15,000 users currently, and expects to have a 60% growth by the end of 2018, reaching up to 25,000 users.

Impact description

Home Security provides the household/store surveillance with services such as: 
• Realtime image surveillance;
• Fulltime video playback;
• Emergency notification;

Thus delivering the following positive impacts:
• Energy saving and carbon reduction;
• Emergency help;
• Support to family relationships;
• Emergency real-time monitoring;
• Deter burglaries and crime.

Goals addressed

Target countries

Taiwan, R.O.C.

Deutsche Telekom AG

My City – Urban Development App

Project description

Citizens protest because large-scale publically funded projects often exceed the budget and timeframe. Additionally citizen participation is an after-thought instead of an integral part of the project from the start. My City makes urban planning transparent and interactive for citizens. Hence citizens can identify more with urban planning processes. Decision making (e.g. urban planning with augmented reality or voicing opinions, voting and commenting) is possible on the move and at the project site.

Impact description

This solution accelerates processes through digitization and collaborative urban planning saving costs, ensures greater legitimation through citizen participation and targeted spending of public money, and improves citizen satisfaction thanks to dialog with authorities and local government representatives.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Network solutions for smart water management

Project description

HydroPoint is the proven leader in 360° smart water management solutions targeting the area of greatest waste in urban water use, landscape irrigation. It decided to use an Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine solution to connect irrigation control points and sensors to its system for analyzing climate and determining water needs. The company chose AT&T to provide the wireless network, customized network access and a self-service management platform to support the data transport requirements.

Impact description

In a single year, HydroPoint’s WeatherTRAK customers cut 15 billion gallons of water, $137 million in expenses, hundreds of thousands of man hours, and 62 million kilowatt hours of energy, illustrating that 360° smart water management makes for smart organizations.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Verizon Connect

Project description

Verizon Connect (telematics) supports customers’ mobile management needs from route optimization, truck navigation, and service dispatch to driver coaching, compliance, and mobile forms.

Impact description

Verizon’s telematics solutions enabled our customers to save 1,257,379 metric tons of CO2e emissions in 2017.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Connected cars: A use case for Mobile Edge Computing

Project description

In 2015, Nokia and its partners demonstrated for the first time in the world in an operator’s live LTE network how Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) can be used for car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communications. Vehicles connected via the distributed cloudlets based on Nokia’s Mobile Edge Computing platform receive information such as warnings from other vehicles almost in real time, which is particularly important for traffic safety applications.

Impact description

Millions of people are injured in traffic accidents every year. In 90% of these incidents, the cause is human error. Connected cars can improve road safety, but they need ultra-low latency for communications. MEC is an enabler for optimized infrastructure investments and the first step towards 5G and autonomous driving.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

B2B Cloud Solutions for SMEs

Project description

B2B Cloud Solutions for SMEs by Deutsche Telekom comprise several services to support businesses to virtualize their internal processes and management tools. The execution of on-site email, customer relationship management tools and application software for collaborative work could all be moved to the cloud.

Impact description

Shifting services to the cloud increases the utilization of server infrastructure and improves data centre efficiency for more sustainable business performance, for example by reducing CO2 emissions. SMEs could save up to 9% of their annual electricity cost and 1% of their annual CO2 emissions. On a societal level, CO2 emissions could be reduced by 9% between 2015-2020.

Goals addressed

Target countries



South Africa

Deutsche Telekom AG

Video Conferencing reduces travel and emissions

Project description

In cooperation with Cisco, T-Systems offers video conferencing, allowing two or more people to conduct meetings remotely based on audio and video broadcasting from and to their device (phone, laptop, etc.). Broadband, mobile data and video conferencing systems are ICT solutions that enable an increasing shift of meetings from physical to virtual mode. ICT-enabled video conferences reduce the need for travelling for business purposes leading to fuel savings and emission reductions.

Impact description

WWF and ETNO estimate that if video conferences replaced 20% of business trips in Europe, it would reduce carbon emissions by 22.4 million metric tons. According to the Carbon Disclosure Project, for companies with revenues of more than $1 billion, an investment in 4 telepresence rooms is amortized in just 15 months. A video conferencing solution that eliminates 3,600 business trips, at an average cost of 400 euros per journey, saves €1.4 million a year. And that does not include the extra benefits from greater productivity.

Goals addressed

Target countries




Deutsche Telekom AG

Online archiving and workflow solution for insurance provider

Project description

T-Systems offers an online solution for health insurance provider, namely an electronic archiving and workflow solution for personnel and increased access and transparency for customers. This e-Health solution materializes the benefits of digitization for patients and health care personnel, and is an answer to the challenges posed by rising costs of health care systems and shortage of doctors.

Impact description

By 2030, there will be a shortage of 111,000 doctors in Germany, mainly in rural areas. The benefits of this solution can be felt by the customers and insurance personnel (i.e. access to data, lower insurance premiums, secure data exchange, and greater transparency), as well as companies (cost savings, reduced CEO2 through fewer printed documents, greater efficiency, and lower induction costs for new employees).

Goals addressed

Target countries



Verizon AgTech Helps a California Winery Better Understand Irrigation Needs

Project description

Verizon’s Internet of Things (IoT) AgTech sensors are being used by Hahn Family Wines to increase the precision and better understand the irrigation needs of each block of grapevines. These sensors measure temperature and humidity. Based on that data, soil moisture monitors can measure water volume at different soil depths. That information helps flow meters gauge the amount of water to apply. Sensors in the field are also connected to a gateway housed in a weather station to measure wind speed/direction, humidity, rainfall and photosynthetic radiation from the sun's rays.

Impact description

With more than 1,000 acres of vineyards, the winery placed sensors in the soil near the root zone of its plants to figure out how much water is being delivered to the vine in various locations and water when and where the vines actually need it.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States

Samsung Electronics Europe

Digital Academies help tackle digital skills gap in Europe

Project description

Samsung’s offer 16-24 year olds access to smart technology, ICT training and employability programmes to help them transition from education to work. Across Europe, the Digital Academies offer a range of courses from app design to engineering and networking support. Samsung provides access to technology, advises on the course development and, where necessary, supports refurbishment of the learning space within the university or college.

Impact description

Since 2013, 48 Digital Academy initiatives have been set up and over 6,000 students have attended courses. Key outcomes have included the following: 45% of students secured work, apprenticeship or work experience before the end of their course; 1 in 4 students went on to further study; 3 out of 4 students felt they were given opportunities they would not have otherwise had.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Smart Waste Management

Project description

Urbanization and rising demand for resources call for more efficient use of resources and better waste management. T-systems provides through their Smart Waste Management solution garbage collection companies with the information they need to collect waste as effectively and efficiently as possible (e.g. garbage truck route planning based on actual needs). Waste collection is a key aspect of smart cities.

Impact description

This solution enables more efficient collection and cost savings thanks to route planning based on actual needs and 4 to 8 times greater container capacity thanks to waste compaction. It also results in up to 40% less gas consumption thanks to more targeted, more intelligent route planning, saved resources through urban mining (recovering natural resources including rare earths) and incinerating waste (generating heat and electricity hence saving oil and gas), and better quality of life thanks to less litter, less noise, and less pollution.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Zero CO2 emission base station site offering

Project description

In 2015, Nokia pursued ways to increase the energy efficiency of its products and promoted the use of renewable energy. The activities included launching Zero CO2 emission base station site offering, which includes more than 20 products and services for our Single RAN Advanced portfolio.

Impact description

The offering enables a reduction in base station site energy consumption by up to 70%, creating a significant driver for modernizing base station sites. With the significantly lower energy consumption, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, as well as fuel cells, become viable options for powering a base station site, making it possible to achieve zero CO2 emissions.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Efficiency-as-a-Service (EaaS)

Project description

Efficiency-as-a-Service (EaaS) can create immediate electricity and cost savings without upfront capital investment. Using AT&T Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, EaaS providers can accurately measure and model the energy savings that companies can realize through implementation of energy-efficient technologies. That information helps EaaS providers generate immediate electricity cost savings for their users, while also allowing them to pay for the installation of the technology over time. AT&T’s typical office building achieved energy savings of over 500,000 kWh each year with EaaS. If this solution were deployed at 1,000 similar office buildings across the US, it could contribute to annual carbon savings of almost 280,000 metric tons CO₂.

Impact description

AT&T IoT connectivity makes the invisible visible by helping EaaS providers accurately quantify the energy efficiency of the new equipment, allowing customers to see and get the benefit of those savings without incurring large upfront costs and waiting months or years for savings to prove out. As of the end of 2017, the EaaS program enabled AT&T to reduce electricity consumption in 647 facilities that produced almost $20 million of annual avoided electricity utility payments, and reduced electricity usage by 183 million Kwh. That’s the equivalent of over 97,500 metric tons of CO₂e.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Using the Internet of Things to save water

Project description

AT&T and Mueller Water Products have developed a new solution to help cities save water. The solution uses Internet of Things (IoT) technology that can be installed quickly to help cities manage water and prevent leaks. The enhanced water management solution was developed as part of the NIST Global City Teams Challenge.

Impact description

One city water pipe leak can waste up to 400,000 gallons of water per year. It is estimated that as much as 25 percent of water produced never reaches end users because of leaks and water main bursts.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Remote healthcare

Project description

Verizon’s mobile, machine-to-machine and Internet of Things technologies give organizations new healthcare IT capabilities – to reach patients and customers in new ways, reliably connect teams and people, and speed delivery of products and services.

Impact description

Verizon-enabled remote patient monitoring saved 121,215 metric tons of CO2e emissions in 2017.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States


Improving community resilience to extreme weather and promoting public safety

Project description

Nokia’s compact, rapidly deployable LTE network-in-a-box enables vital public safety communications to be implemented at emergency scenes where wide area network coverage is not available. Another solution, Nokia’s life-saving emergency alert system, can be used to deliver potentially life-saving messages to mobile subscribers in specified areas by warning of dangerous natural disasters or other emergencies.

Impact description

As part of Nokia’s cooperation with Save the Children, to help protect children and their communities in 350 villages in India, Nokia will provide its LTE-based network-in-a-box solution for public safety mobile broadband in six of these villages. Nokia’s life-saving emergency alert system has delivered more than 10 million messages covering over 1,000 emergencies in one country.

Goals addressed

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Deutsche Telekom AG

High-Speed Broadband brings multiple benefits

Project description

Broadband internet means high-speed internet connection and Telekom is currently moving ahead with the expansion of ultra-fast broadband connections across Germany and throughout Europe. Innovative technologies are helping to close the gaps on the broadband coverage map, with special attention to integrating rural areas as well as providing high quality connections for mobile users.

Impact description

A bandwidth of at least 50 MB/sec provides the basic infrastructure of data highways for the information-based economy of the 21st century. Extending high-speed internet can reduce carbon emissions by 19.15 million tons (2012 -2020 cumulated), increase GDP by €47 billion, create 162,000 additional employment opportunities, provide e-learning to 556,000 additional students, and lead to 3.8 million fewer sick days (2015-2020 cumulated).

Goals addressed

Target countries



United States


Monitoring water availability in drought-prone regions

Project description

Together with Oxfam, Nokia is piloting a web-based system to monitor water availability in drought-prone regions of Ethiopia and Kenya. This system provides real-time information to quickly identify the early onset of drought, enabling response efforts to be mobilized before the situation reaches a crisis point.

Impact description

Over 1,000 water points across Kenya and Ethiopia were monitored and mapped in 2015, with a further 56 strategic water points identified to be incorporated into the project.

Goals addressed

Target countries




Support of the Institute for Economic Empowerment of Women and PEACE THROUGH BUSINESS®

Project description

Since its inception in 2006, AT&T has been a supporter (both financially and through employee participation) of the PEACE THROUGH BUSINESS® (PTB) program - which provides long-term business education to women entrepreneurs in Afghanistan and Rwanda.

Impact description

Each PTB graduate from Afghanistan on average, is responsible for the creation of 22 new jobs in their country. Each graduate from Rwanda is responsible for the creation of 28 new jobs in their country. And 80% of all of the graduates are running a healthy, prosperous business a year after completing the program.

Goals addressed

Target countries




Digital Clinics and Telemedicine in Rural Kenya

Project description

To improve access to healthcare in rural areas, Huawei worked with the Government of Kenya, Safricom, MicroClinic Technologies, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to connect over 40 medical facilities to a telemedicine and digital clinic solution in Lamu County, Kenya. The facilities were provided with a digital clinic management system (ZiDi) installed on Huawei Matebooks for more efficient clinic management, and for collecting and sending health data to the cloud. In addition, 12 hospitals and 4 clinics were connected through fibre and 3G enabling telemedicine video-conferencing to provide remote medical consultations for patients and training for local health workers with specialists in the regional-level hospital in Mombasa.

Impact description

The collaboration benefited over 150,000 people in Lamu County. As a result people no longer need to travel to distant facilities for diagnosis or treatment. Instead they can continue using their local clinic and communicate with medical specialists remotely. In addition, the solution allows the government to build up health data, predict and manage the demand and supply of medicine, and assess the workloads of staff in facilities to decide on further staffing, training, and investment. The project was recognized at the 2016 Smart City World Congress with the Innovative Global South Award and is an appreciation of how technology can help improve access and efficiency in the provision of medical and health services in spite of limited resources. Whilst investing in facilities, equipment, staff, medicines and training has brought progress to Kenyan healthcare (and increasing use of m-health systems is being used for different purposes across the country), there remains a critical need to reduce costs in the system whilst also improving quality. The government has set clear goals for extending ICT to health facilities and developing an integrated national health system. This project provides an important case study that helps show how this can be achieved in rural areas and replicated elsewhere in the country.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Total Airport Management System makes more efficient use of airplanes

Project description

T-Systems’ Total Airport Management System is a single IT platform that integrates the silo systems of all airport stakeholders. The IT platform centrally collects all the required information. Airport service providers can access data on the move, enabling them to coordinate joint tasks more closely, and complete them more quickly. The IT solution is fully integrated into the airport operator’s core process.

Impact description

Delays cost airlines between €1.5 - 2 billion per year. T-Systems’ solution reduces the time planes spend on the ground – time in which they are not earning money. Each aircraft is required to pay fees for take-off, landing, and use of air bridges. If our solution cuts the time planes spend on the ground, then airport operators can turn around more aircraft in a shorter period of time. More efficient use of airplanes, leads in the long-term to less airplanes needed, hence resources are saved.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Central management system improves efficiency of public transportation in Germany

Project description

T-Systems has created a powerful, central public transport management system, with the option of migrating to a cloud service. It is used, for example, by the companies responsible for public transportation in and around the cities of Dortmund, Bochum, and Herne, an alliance known as KÖR. Together, they serve more than 297.1 million passengers every year. The T-Systems transport management system enables enhanced visibility and greater automation, delivering benefits for passengers, drivers, and the entire transport organization.

Impact description

This solution leads to lower operating costs thanks to a single, central platform and more efficient staff deployment (tasks can be shared among members of KÖR), improved vehicle occupancy, enhanced image and improved quality of life through better transportation flows and less car traffic, and reduced CO2 emissions reduction through less private transport. Enhanced visibility and greater automation mean benefits for passengers, drivers, and dispatchers.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Budapest Bike promotes sustainable urban mobility

Project description

In Hungary, T-Systems offers “Budapest Bike”, a city bike-sharing system that includes an online and mobile booking system, as well as an included ICT-supported operating (e.g. surveillance and maintenance) system. The system includes 1,200 bikes with lock-unlock with onboard unit (SIM/GPS), 2,100 docking elements, and 100 stations with solar-powered payment machines. Each bike is equipped with GPS tracking systems.

Impact description

The initiative fosters sustainability through less CO2 (less travel with car) and utilization of renewable energy through solar cells for docking stations. Secure and safe solution with GPS tracking decreases operating costs.

Goals addressed

Target countries




ICT Academy

Project description

This training program is a not-for-profit partnership that authorizes universities and colleges to deliver Huawei Certification courses to their students. Its purpose is to train more ICT experts and contribute to a healthy ICT talent ecosystem. Part of the program includes an ICT Skill Competition run around the world in order to stimulate more passion and excitement for ICT. In 2017, Huawei expanded the competition to the Middle East, Western Europe, India, Mexico, South Africa, North Africa, Australia, and Russia. Through better training, people can make better use of the information and digital tools available to them. An inclusive digital economy can lead to more trade, better capital use, improved efficiency, and accelerated innovation. With the right skills, many more people will be able to invent, create, as well as share conversations and knowledge with others in ways that help stimulate local job markets and enrich the world further.

Impact description

Over 55,000 students from 58 countries have now participated in different Huawei ICT Academies around the world since we started in 2013, and more than 12,000 of them have obtained Huawei certifications. By the end of 2017, the number of academies outside of China has grown to 132, of which 54 have started operations. Outside of China, 5,475 students either completed certified courses or attended training sessions to expand their careers. 819 of them completed certified courses – an increase of 535% from the previous year. In addition we have increased the number of academies in China to 201 with 76 of them in full operation. Over 8,000 students in China were trained last year with 3,181 students completing certified courses – a 216% increase from the previous year.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Telematics on the farm

Project description

“Telematics on the farm - a connected harvest team” of T-Systems is an LTE-based industry 4.0 solution for farming, and enhances the coordination of all vehicles and people involved in the harvest and increasing productivity. In-sync fleet makes the most of every minute, selects the quickest routes, avoids empty movements, and protects the ground. The solution also provides full transparency into location of vehicles, remaining capacity, and crop quality. Less downtime reduces the risk of farmers not being able to complete the harvest on time.

Impact description

This solution can boost productivity by up to 15% thanks to reduced fuel consumption, more efficient deployment of machinery, quicker harvesting, and larger yields, and leads to higher profits for contractors.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Smart e-waste bin

Project description

The SmartBin solution is a completely self-contained unit that is attractive enough to sit out in the open in an office or community location, increasing the availability of e-waste recycling. It uses IoT sensors to alert when the fill level is reached, and process automation technology to book a collection when full. The Smart e-waste Bins assist Fujitsu’s customers to achieve their ICT sustainability goals and complement our Digital Workplace service offerings, and provide a benefit for our customers’ staff, who can recycle e-waste from home. The bins demonstrate Fujitsu’s innovation expertise and showcase our IoT and process automation technologies.

Impact description

Each bin diverts a tonne of e-waste from landfill every year (on average). Up to 97% of the e-waste recovered is recycled in an onshore facility that protects human health and the environment, preventing harmful toxins entering landfill and the illegal export of e-waste to the developing world. As Fujitsu audits the recycling processes of our e-waste recycling partner, customers are assured their data will be safely destroyed, addressing one of the key barriers to e-waste recycling. The Smart e-waste Bins are also an educational tool, reaching more than 10,000 people in 2017 with information about the importance of e-waste recycling.

Goals addressed

Target countries


New Zealand


Remote Monitoring & Cloud Services for Health

Project description

In partnership with the Children’s National Medical Center, Verizon supplies tablet devices, Open Video technology, and Terremark Cloud capabilities to local healthcare workers in rural Brazil to screen children for Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD). Any abnormal results are uploaded to the cloud for further assessment by cardiologists at Children’s National and the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Brazil.

Impact description

In 2015, this program educated 10,205 people about RHD and screened 6,843 children in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Of those screened, 374 children were found to be RHD-positive and are now connected to critical care.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Corporate Sustainability with WeSustain

Project description

With the WeSustain from T-Systems, sustainability activities can be managed, measured and communicated with point-and-click simplicity. Moreover, big data analytics solutions can be deployed to measure corporate sustainability, and to make it transparent for all stakeholders in line with applicable standards. Employees and external stakeholders such as suppliers, the media, NGOs, consumers and customers can be integrated. Hence, enterprises gain significant competitive advantage.

Impact description

The benefits include less CO2 emissions through the deployment of less hardware, lower power consumption, elimination of paper through digitization, elimination or reduction of business travel; saving time by speeding up data capture, reporting and collaboration across the enterprise; and cost efficiency due to the software-as-a-service approach. Furthermore, greater visibility into and monitoring of corporate sustainability practices leads to an enhanced corporate image, greater customer and employee loyalty.

Goals addressed

Target countries






AT&T Aspire: Using the network power to improve education

Project description

This philanthropic initiative drives innovation in education – through technology, social innovation and relationships – to ensure all students have the skills they need to succeed in school and beyond. By investing in new tools and solutions that leverage its unique technologies and capabilities, AT&T enables personalized and mobilized learning for students of all ages and backgrounds.

Impact description

AT&T has committed to the achievement of the U.S. graduation rate goal of 90% by 2020 through the Grad Nation movement. Graduation rates reached a record high of 82.3 percent for the class of 2014. The initiative has impacted more than 160k underserved students through 1 million hours of mentoring through employees.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States

Deutsche Telekom AG

Medical Aid Online Platform for medical aids (with insurance company BARMER GEK)

Project description

Through the online Medical Aid Online Platform, T-Systems helps medical insurance companies to manage the very complex and cost-intensive process for providing medical aids. Currently the medical aids management process comprises many steps. Since there is a lack of automation when coordinating activities with suppliers and other service providers, patients have to wait several days for medical aids to arrive. The online platform offers end-to-end electronic support for the rapid supply of medical aids to patients, with seamless integration of all key stakeholders.

Impact description

This solution leads to reduced transaction costs through digitization of the entire medical-aid management process; a rapid turnaround time, since the process is entirely digital, with seamless integration of all key stakeholders; efficient (re-)use of medical aids saving resources; greater patient satisfaction thanks to streamlined process from request submission to actual supply, medical aids delivered in hours.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Taiwan Mobile

Green Power for Charity

Project description

Taiwan Mobile leads 13 domestic and foreign suppliers to donate NT$2 for each mobile phone sold, and public fundraising to build up PV system for disadvantaged groups. This innovation mixes up green power application and disadvantaged group care by inviting everyone to invest in PV for charity. This project focuses mainly on the environment protection and social public welfare, rather than TWM’s commercial profits; however, approximately NT$9.65 million is expected to be gained for the NPOs by the generated electricity in 20 years.

Impact description

With this project, Taiwan Mobile teams up with suppliers and the public to initiate and promote green power, reversing the myth about high establishment cost and facilitating low cost entry solution to increase attention to participate. In 2017, Taiwan Mobile helped NPOs construct Roof PV Systems for a total of 99.8kW by raising NT$5.7 million. The estimated electricity generated by PV will reach 2.32 million kWh, and 1,225 tons of carbon emissions will be saved in 20 years; meanwhile, the rooftop temperature is expected to be lowered by 3-4°C. Taiwan Mobile expects to be the little sun for disadvantaged groups.

Goals addressed

Target countries

Taiwan, R.O.C.

Deutsche Telekom AG

Telematic One: Smart Logistics that increase flexibility and efficiency of the flow of goods

Project description

Telematic One is an ICT-enabled smart logistics central control portal, leading to emission savings based on reduced fuel consumption from logistics. Dispatchers can call up current information on trailers – such as position, expected arrival time, tire pressure, door and coupling status, weight or refrigeration temperature of the freight – in the same system. TelematicOne alerts drivers and dispatchers to deviations in time and freight data, such as refrigeration temperature.

Impact description

Smart logistics applications refer to cloud-based control systems that increase flexibility and efficiency of the flow of goods of road, air, train and marine freight. The software allows fleets, products, drivers, load suppliers, load recipients and the surrounding infrastructure to be connected and information is shared in real time. Smart logistics solutions increase reliability, transparency and reduces operational costs and CO2 emissions.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Telenor Group

Bridging the gender gap in India

Project description

In India, women are less likely than men to own a mobile phone. Telenor’s project Sampark in India aims to bridge the mobile usage gender gap in rural India and address the cultural barriers to women’s access to mobile – as well as creating work opportunities for women. Telenor India reaches out to prospective customers in the remote towns through female promoters. These promoters ensure that mobile services are made available to women by offering a dual SIM pack which provides incentives to the male in the family each time the woman’s SIM is recharged.

Impact description

This initiative aims to increase women’s access to the use of mobile phones and to promote solutions towards women’s barriers to mobile usage.

Goals addressed

Target countries



ICT Sustainability Consulting

Project description

Our Sustainability Consultancy services are able to measure and assess the full environmental impact of an organization’s ICT estate. Through the full lifecycle, the service brings the best partners together to help us address our customers’ needs and improve emissions, resource, and cost savings in their business operations. ICT Sustainability Consulting provides a unique commercial differentiator for Fujitsu and helps build strategic relationships with our customers.

Impact description

A benchmark of the customers’ ICT Sustainability readiness and maturity relative to our database of over 3,000 other organizations across all industry sectors provides specific opportunities and a clear sustainability roadmap.
So far, Fujitsu has assisted customers to achieve these results:
• Reduction of printer fleet from 400 devices to 195; slashing energy bills by A$7.7k and reducing carbon emissions by 8,697kg per year;
• The introduction of pull-printing has lowered paper consumption, saving A$22k per year;
• 12,000 assets have been recycled, diverting 120,000 kg of e-waste from landfill;
• Formulation of a five-year plan to reduce energy consumption by 10%.

Goals addressed

Target countries


New Zealand

Bell Canada

Remotely monitored CO2-free cooling system

Project description

Bell partnered with a local company (Carnot) to install CO2 free cooling systems that are remotely monitored using our machine to machine technology. This is very pertinent to data centre cooling for ICT companies. Reductions in CO2 come from reduced energy consumption for cooling. Additional but unmeasured benefits include the CO2 captured inside the system and the fossil fuel avoidance from remote monitoring.

Impact description

The Carnot system has permitted a reduction in electricity consumption of approximately 115,812 kWh per year per system. To date, Bell has installed 3 systems, and emissions have been reduced by approximately 39 tonnes of CO2e annually. Bell anticipates the replacement of 641 R-22 systems will lead to eventual annual savings of 74 millions kWh of electricity, and 8,333 tonnes of CO2e. Bell estimates an additional savings of 9.05 tonnes of CO2e for every R-22 system replaced by this new technology from the avoidance of accidental releases.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Samsung Electronics Europe

Smart Classrooms help build digital skills of the next generation

Project description

Partnering with schools, Samsung facilitates the learning of digital skills through its Smart Classroom initiatives aimed at 6-16 year olds. Most of the initiatives are in schools, but a number can be found in hospitals and museums. They are aimed not only at students, but also at teachers, who often lack the confidence to adapt teaching practices in an increasingly digital world. Samsung offers educational content and teaches digital skills such as coding to students and teachers.

Impact description

Since 2013, Samsung has set up over 600 smart classroom initiatives across more than 20 European countries, directly engaging over 100,000 students and training over 9,000 teachers. In terms of pedagogy, greater access changed rather than increased the use of technology for learning, with 3 out of 4 teachers saying that Smart Classroom changed the way they managed learning in and out of the classroom. The initiatives have also helped create new types of learning experiences: 56% of students felt they worked more creatively in Smart Classroom, while 51% of students felt they worked better with their classmates.

Goals addressed

Target countries



Verizon Grid Wide

Project description

Grid Wide is a fully-scalable, securely-managed, cloud-based software platform that enables smart metering, meter data management, demand response, distribution monitoring and control for water, gas and energy utilities.

Impact description

Verizon’s smart meters and demand/response units enabled our customers to save 1,734,219 metric tons of CO2e emissions in 2017.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States

Telenor Group

Telenor’s smart streetlights in Oslo

Project description

Traditional city streetlights use a lot of energy. The streetlights of the today are much smarter than the streetlights of the past – which have traditionally been running on full power all the time. Today’s smart technology can control each streetlight individually depending on the need. Since 2012, Telenor Group is cooperating with the City of Oslo as technology partner for connectivity for their street lights upgrading project.

Impact description

The many control points that run the Oslo’s 80,000 streetlights will get new smart mobile technology inside. The more than 10 years upgrading project will enable the city administration to reduce their energy expenses up to 60 percent and operating expenses up to 50 percent.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Türk Telekom

CAPEX and OPEX Optimization without renewing Cooling Equipment

Project description

Due to the evolution of telecom equipment into new generation systems, there have been incredible decreases in IT loads. This results in an excess of energy infrastructure equipment capacity at most of the sites. Türk Telekom carried out some optimization projects to manage this transformation period efficiently without having to renew the energy equipment. The ROI for this project is less than a year.

Impact description

Türk Telekom has carried out 1.000 optimization solutions such as integrating electronic drives to old technology air conditioners, various airflow management solutions, increasing temperature set points etc. This project results in approximately 12 million kWh reduction of electricity consumption per year (most of the savings are calculated via on-site smart metering systems recording the electricity consumption trends and IT loads daily.) Furthermore, 500 old air conditioners are used at different sites after revision resulting in 7 million USD CAPEX saving. Without renewing the equipment, energy efficiency is achieved with various solutions and smart metering.

Goals addressed

Target countries




Project description

RuralStar was launched in 2017 to reduce the cost of rural coverage. It is designed to provide 2G voice, SMS and mobile money services as well as 3G broadband data services. With low power consumption, new battery technology, easy installation and innovations in both technology and tower design, it shortens the return on investment for operators to less than five years.

Impact description

Nigeria’s internet penetration rate of 50.2% means that around half of its population are offline. Many villagers lack basic communications and mobile signals are poor, forcing residents to walk several kilometers to make a call. Traditional tower-mounted macro sites are expensive. Annual revenue per user (ARPU) is just US$1-1.5, lengthening ROI to over 10 years. To address this, Huawei teamed up with MTN to deploy Huawei’s RuralStar. What was the result? Site construction costs were 70% lower and ROI is now 3 years. For villagers it means affordable connectivity. There are still 3 billion people in the world who don’t have mobile Internet and over 1 billion households are without home broadband. These are huge numbers, but the digital divide can begin to be closed with innovations like RuralStar.

In Duse, a remote town in Kenya, RuralStar bought 2G and 3G communications for the first time. The effect was transformational: people can now call for ambulance services, which was previously impossible. The nurse can now access online health information to help treat her patients; whilst previously she travelled 20 km to the nearest phone to order new medicines, now she can do this whenever supplies run low. Health reports can be e-mailed instead of carried to the authorities 40 km away. 

Previously, villagers reported security as a serious problem with bandit raids all too common. Public security has now improved. Incidents can be reported quickly and the police can mobilize faster. 

School attendance has improved because of improved security within the village. Teachers with smartphones have been able to access information online and show videos and other content to students to aid their teaching.

M-PESA from Safaricom became accessible for the first time. Villagers and shopkeepers can use their phones to securely and conveniently save and store money, trade goods, and re-stock their stores. Many workers in Duse have families elsewhere and they can now send money to loved ones. Young people have also been able to apply online for jobs, scholarships and college places that would have been impossible before.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Samsung Electronics Europe

Digital Academies help tackle digital skills gap in Europe

Project description

Samsung’s offer 16-24 year olds access to smart technology, ICT training and employability programmes to help them transition from education to work. Across Europe, the Digital Academies offer a range of courses from app design to engineering and networking support. Samsung provides access to technology, advises on the course development and, where necessary, supports refurbishment of the learning space within the university or college.

Impact description

Since 2013, 48 Digital Academy initiatives have been set up and over 6,000 students have attended courses. Key outcomes have included the following: 45% of students secured work, apprenticeship or work experience before the end of their course; 1 in 4 students went on to further study; 3 out of 4 students felt they were given opportunities they would not have otherwise had.

Goals addressed

Target countries


Deutsche Telekom AG

Smart Metering & Smart Home solutions lead to energy savings

Project description

Smart Metering is a product from Deutsche Telekom, which allow households to track their energy consumption. Smart Metering allows end-consumers to identify their household energy consumption patterns and become aware of how to use energy smartly. Deutsche Telekom Smart Metering offers to energy providers a secure modular system for the entire process chain. If implemented on scalable IT platforms for a large number of energy providers, Deutsche Telekom will be able roll out Smart Metering at attractive costs.

Impact description

Up to 8% energy savings can be achieved per household through this solution, enabling reduction of costs and CO2 emissions. For an average household, up to €90 of cost savings can be reached per year. By 2020, up to 1.2 million tons of CO2 can annually be saved in Germany if 7.8 million households install Smart Metering. The contribution to the national CO2 emissions reductions target is 40%.

Goals addressed

Target countries






The Netherlands


It Can Wait campaign helps prevent smartphone driving distractions

Project description

Since 2009, AT&T’s It Can Wait campaign has shared a simple message: Keep your eyes on the road, not on your phone. The campaign has evolved as smartphone driving distractions have grown beyond texting to social media, web surfing, selfies and video chatting. The multi-year pledge campaign has raised awareness about this critical issue and encouraged people to take action to prevent distracted driving, including downloading the DriveMode app.

Impact description

Over 8 million pledges and 3.5 million downloads of the AT&T DriveMode app. Research on crash data from departments of transportation in Texas, Kentucky and other states suggests a correlation between It Can Wait campaign activities and a reduction in crashes.

Goals addressed

Target countries

United States
